Legal Information
In this section its include information about the acces conditions and the way of website use depending the user needs knows according to the law 34/2002 of Information and e-commerce Society.
- Owner: Supperstudio, S.L. (hereinafter Supperstudio),
- CIF: B95247557
- Registered address: Lamana, 2, 48003 Bilbao (Bizkaia). Spain.
- Email adress: hello@supperstudio.com
Conditions about website
The use of this website implies the acceptance of the bases and conditions attached on this legal advised. Every time the user use the Website, he will must read the conditions, because those could be changed than the last time. Some aspects about this page will be defined for conditions or particular rules. This rules can change, or modifing this Legal advise, and for it theys must will be accept for the user every time to acces.
Correct use of the website
Every web content ( text, pictures, graphics, photos, tech software, links and audiovisual content, sounds, graphic design, font code, etc…) plus brands tags and signs are Supperstudio SL property or the third partys, no adding to any user rights to use this website. The user can not:
a) Reproduce, copy, distribuition, lend to thirds, do public communications, change or modify the Web contents, except in the cases contemplated in the law or expressly authorized by the owner or by the owner of said rights.
b) Reproduce or copy to private use, the software, the images, the pictures, the videos or website data bases as well as make a public communications when to doing the user needs reproduce without rights adds.
c) Extract or reuse the contents of this Web page.
The user to will want introduce links of this web in her own web will be bound to meet the next conditions:
1. The link only can be linked with the home page and can not reproduce this home page to any way.
2.No frames or frameworks of any kind can be established that surround the Web or allow it to be viewed through different Internet addresses or together with content outside this Web, in a way that reproduces, creating error or confusion in the users about the origin of the service or its content. This can implies an act of unfair comparison or imitation giving bad reputation for the brand and the prestige of SUPPERSTUDIO SL.
3.From the page to realice the link can not making any inaccurate or false manifestation about the company or about the quality of her services.
4.The sender could´t use the Brand or any Supperstudio sign or symbol except in the cases authoriced by the law or by the owner of supperstudio.
5.The page that will establish the link must observe current legislation and may not have or link to illegal, harmful content, contrary to morality and good customs, which will produce or may produce the false idea that SUPPERSTUDIO SL endorses or supports, the ideas, statements or actions of the sender or that are inappropriate in relation to the activity carried out by the Entity, taking into account the contents and the general theme of the Web page where the link is established.
User Responsability
SUPPERSTUDIO SL its not responsible of controling thet in this web do not exist a malicious software or any informatic bad element. Its an user obligation in this case have the tools to detect and fix it this bad elements. Agree with it, the owner web is not responsible to crashes or pain producing in informatic hardware during the acces to this web. The same way we are not responsible of the damages sustained to the users when this damages was appear during issues or desconections in the telecommunication net.
All the content of the web, contents like: text, pictures, graphics, photos, tech software, links and audiovisual content, sounds, graphic design, font code, etc. Are from SUPPERSTUDIO SL or third parties and be are protecting for the Industrial and intellectual Property Law.
The granted acces for the users to the webpage content, don’t grant any rights or any titularity respect the Supperstudio web.
Any form of exploitation, reproduction, distribution, modification, public communication, loan or transformation or other type of dissemination of the information or internal elements of the website named in this paragraph by any support or means that has not been expressly authorized is absolutely prohibited. The content of this website may only be downloaded to the user’s terminal if it is for private use and for non-commercial purposes.
The infringement of any of the aforementioned rights may constitute a violation of these conditions and the laws of Industrial and Intellectual Property. SUPPERSTUDIO SL reserves the right to exercise the corresponding legal actions against users who violate or infringe the intellectual and/or industrial property rights of this website, its information or its contents.
Entity Responsability
This Website can include links that allow the user acces to another internet pages. In this cases SUPPERSTUDIOO SL only be responsible respect this content or services when SUPPERSTUDIO knows the precedence of this links. If once user considered exist a link with ilegal or inapropiate content, can send us a mail to explain the issue, but this information from user doesn´t mean that we will be forced to change or hidden this publication. The web owner not always knowsthe contents and the links hosted in his web, therefore, it is not responsible for the damages derived from its bad quality, outdated, unavailability, error, uselessness or illegality and is not responsible for the statements made or the content or services provided through thirds.
The user is agree with have a correct use of this webpage about the law. With these legal advise and the anothers conditions, statements and instructions that in every case will be applicated. The user respond front SUPPERSTUDIO SL and front third partys of any damages or losses that may be caused by breach of these obligations.
Apply Legislation
This legal advise is valid in any territory of Spanish land for Spanish law. The service provision of the web service and the conditions of use of your rights are governed by Spanish law.